The police on Thursday announced they killed a Port Harcourt kidnap kingpin who has been on their wanted list. The man, identified as Prosper David, was killed during a shoot-out between the police and his gang, according to a statement issued by the spokesperson of the Force Headquarters, Abuja, Jimoh Moshood. The statement did not mention where the shoot-out took place. It said the kidnap kingpin was killed by a police joint strike force set up by the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, to trace those responsible for the abduction of one Tina Bob-Manuel, a Port Harcourt-based businesswoman. Mrs. Bob-Manuel, 58, was abducted November last year at her shop at Nvuigwe, Woji in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area of the state. The kidnappers, who disguised themselves with police uniforms and were armed with AK-47 rifles, later demanded N100 million ransom from the victim’s family. Mr. David and his gang were said to have also been involved in armed robberies, cult-rel...
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