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1,292 Nigerians have been killed in road accidents in the last three months' - NBS

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, 1,292 Nigerians have been killed in road accidents in the last three months across the nation.

According to the NBS report, 1,292 Nigerians got killed in the road traffic crashes recorded in the first quarter of 2018, saying that 1,186 of the 1,292 Nigerians who got killed, representing 92% of the figure, were adults while the remaining 106 Nigerians, representing 8% of the figure, were children.

The report added that 1,008 male Nigerians, representing 78%, got killed in road crashes in the first quarter while 284 female Nigerians, representing 22% got killed.
“The first quarter of 2018 road transport data reflected that 2,482 road crashes occurred. Speed violation is reported as the major cause of road crashes in the first quarter and it accounted for 50.81% of the total road crashes reported. Tyre burst and dangerous driving followed closely as they both accounted for 8.26% and 8.42% of the total road crashes recorded,” it said.
According to the data, a total of 8,466 Nigerians got injured in the road traffic crashes recorded, while 7,773 of the 8,466 Nigerians who got injured, representing 92% of the figure, were adults and the remaining 693 Nigerians, representing 8% of the figure were children. It said 6,394 male Nigerians, representing 76%, got injured in road crashes in the first quarters while 2,072 female Nigerians, representing 24% got injured.


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